SA001 | The Secret To Crushing It In Real Estate and 5 Things That Prevent People From Scaling

Trevor McGregor

Trevor is a master platinum coach who has done more than 25,000 coaching calls with clients from all around the world, including Fortune 500 executives, high level real estate investors, entrepreneurs, world-class athletes and professionals.  
As one of the most requested business coaches in the world, people come to him for one reason only: Business and Personal Transformation!
On top of that Trevor is also a Real Estate Investor who has extensive knowledge in multiple asset classes and has done business deals all over North America and as far away as Australia.
Trevor lives with his wife Leesa and 3 sons up in Beautiful British Columbia, Canada. 

Connect with Trevor


Aileen: [00:00:00] Thank you everyone for joining the first ever episode of the, How Did They Do It? Real Estate podcast. We are your hosts, Seyla and Aileen. We are really excited to kick off our first episode with today’s guest, Trevor McGregor. And if you haven’t heard about him yet, you’re all in for a real treat.

Trevor is a master platinum coach who has done more than 25,000 coaching calls with clients from all around the world, including fortune 500  executives, high level real estate investors, entrepreneurs, world class, athletes, and professionals. As one of the most requested business coaches in the world, people come to him for one reason, business and personal transformation.

On top of that, Trevor’s also a real estate investor who has extensive knowledge in multiple asset classes and has done business deals all over North America and as far away as Australia.  Trevor lives with this is wife, Leesa, and three sons up in beautiful British Columbia, Canada. And today he will be talking to us about how important mindset is for people looking to crush it in real estate and the five things that prevent people from scaling. Please welcome coach Trevor McGregor. How are you doing coach?

Trevor: [00:01:12] Oh, my gosh. Wow. That was just an amazing review of the bio. Thank you, Aileen. Hello to you. Seyla I am just blessed and grateful to be here and excited to be on your first ever podcast.

Congratulations. Thank you so much.

Aileen: [00:01:27] We really appreciate you taking the time to meet with us today and being our first guest. So we’re really honored for you to be here today.

Trevor: [00:01:35] Well, I know the types of people you are, and I’m telling you between your brilliant, love for each other and your zest for business and, your real estate passion and, and your son Oliver, there’s just no question that you guys are here to play full out and win the game of life. And, I’m just blessed and grateful to have been able to, do some work with you as your coach as well.

Aileen: [00:01:55] Thank you so much. We really learned a lot from you.

Trevor: [00:01:58] Thank you.

Aileen: [00:01:59] could you please tell our listeners a little bit more about your background and your real estate journey?

Trevor: [00:02:04] Absolutely. Yeah. To go back a little bit.  I am in British Columbia County, Canada. I am Canadian and like most Canadians, I grew up on the prairies of Canada and guys, all I ever wanted to be was an NHL hockey player, because if you’re Canadian, all you want to do is play hockey and ski and toboggan and all those fun things.

Cause it’s cold up here in the winter and I played hockey at a pretty high level, but I just wasn’t big enough,  to go on and perhaps, take a shot at. Anything, great. So what I did is I traded in my skates,  for really what I call a business degree. I went and studied business.

And then like most people, once you go to university, you end up working and I’ve landed a job and a wonderful corporation where man, we were in the hospitality business, we did a tiny little bit of, real estate and strip malls and stuff, but predominantly re you know, hospitality. And what I thought would be a short stay there ended up being, almost a 20 year, just over 20 years day as I, Rose up the ranks through the corporation and literally became their executive director of operations.

You know, at the high I had about 500 people reporting to me directly or indirectly,  in five different major cities across Canada,  we were doing a pretty large number in terms of our revenues and what was great about it is I had to, and got to make decisions on everything from marketing to HR, to operations, to procurement, to a lot of the things that go into running a successful business.

And it was around that time too, that, I had a family of my own, I got married, it started out children and, literally, was given an opportunity to invest in the company that I was working for. Back in 1999. So this goes back a few years now where man, I thought, man, if I invest in this and I could really, put my money to work, I could retire young and rich.

So that was the plan. And what I did is I literally scraped together all of my own money.  I got some money from family and friends and I even convinced my own parents to take it out. Second mortgage, a six figure, second mortgage. On our family home. And I dumped all of that into this massive hospitality expansion.

And for the first year and a half to two years, it went really well. But around the same time that those planes hit the towers in New York in 2001, we were in a massive cross-country expansion plan. We were a little bit over leveraged and to make a long story short, that whole thing came crashing down on top of me.

And I lost all of the money that I put into it. So there I was, in my early thirties and you know what, I didn’t know what I was going to do because I was broke. I started to put on a bunch of weight and I became a little bit fat and it caused a huge strain on my marriage. Because again, when something that drastic happens, you really start to go into a very low place. lucky for me that I found a coach and that coach said one thing to me that changed my life forever. He said, Trevor, It’s really unfortunate what happened to you, but you’re still a young guy, you’re married, you’ve got these beautiful children.

It’s time to get up, dust yourself off and literally reinvent yourself. And I said, that sounds great, but I don’t know how I’m going to make any money to pay back all of these failed loans. Plus, my parents. And he said, one thing to me, guys, that’s very familiar to you. And he said, have you ever thought of investing in real estate?

I thought real estate.  First I don’t have any money. Second of all, I don’t know what to do. And he says, come in under my wing and we will literally show you how to use other people’s money,  to get into real estate, fix up some properties and then just keep rinsing and repeating rinse and repeating.

So I said, I don’t have any other choice. So what I did is I borrowed some other money off of family and friends. Cashed in what was left over my 401k. And I literally bought my first revenue property, about one little townhouse and that was a good expense. And so I leveraged that and use the money from that to buy condo.

And that was a really good experience. Vancouver was going through huge appreciation.  So then I bought my first duplex. And it was there that I understood and discovered what cashflow was. have you ever discovered cashflow? I did. And I just kept doing it. I bought more duplexes refinanced, fix them up, bought more, then started to buy fourplexes, single family homes.

And in just about two and a half years time, not only did I make enough money to pay off all of my failed loans, but I had a sizeable cash flowing real estate portfolio on the top of it. So it was really at that time where I knew that man between my corporate stuff, my real estate stuff, and I started to study personal growth and do a whole bunch of things, like studying the Tony Robbins of the world and Napoleon Hill think and grow rich where I really became fascinated at that point of what would help somebody scale in real estate.

Versus kind of Flatliner stay stuck. And that’s a long answer to a short question, but it was at that time that I really knew that I was going to be doing something in coaching and personal growth and real estate for the rest of my life.


Seyla: [00:06:59] wow. Thank you. that’s a great journey for our listeners,  to learn about you.

So coach, what gave you the courage to take that first step to invest in real estate at the time?

Trevor: [00:07:11] that’s a great question.  I think it was, I was at the low of the lows at that time where I didn’t really know how it was going to make a lot of money.  If you chip away trying to pay back failed loans from just a W-2 job.

Oh, my God I’d have been there till I’m a hundred years old. So I thought, If leverage is, something I need to find. And if real estate is what my coach is saying is the number one tool to create leverage for, money that from, I really didn’t have any other options. I really trusted my coach and my coach was a world class real estate investor.

To this day he still is. Has probably helped more people get into single family and maybe small multifamily. And since that time, obviously I’ve gone on to do a lot more in terms of,  multifamily and in syndications and in development and self storage and a whole bunch of other things. But, to answer your question, I think it was just my belief in him as my coach, my mentor, my teacher.

Who literally knew that this was a wonderful vehicle for me to rebound with. Does that make sense?

Seyla: [00:08:15] That makes sense. That’s wonderful. So let’s talk about mindset.  how important is mindset for people looking to crush it in real estate?

Trevor: [00:08:24] Oh my goodness. welcome to my world. I believe it’s everything.

I believe that, for you to be successful in real estate. It’s not just knowing what to do or how to do it. It’s who you are as a person that then takes the strategy and moves it forward. Because I often use an example in my coaching,  where somebody wants to lose weight. if we really, take a look at people on the planet, most people are carrying around a few extra pounds, But the strategies are all there. if you type the word diet into Google, you’re going to get over a billion hits.  there’s, WeightWatchers, there’s Jenny Craig, there’s natural paths. if you drive through any city in California, there’s a gym on every seventh or 12th corner. So the strategies are there yet right now in America around 54% of people are obese.

How can that be? the reason it’s happening is because they don’t have the mindset to get into it and then sustain it. And my other coach and mentor who obviously, as I started to achieve some phenomenal levels of success, I went on to work with the wonderful man Tony Robbins. I literally became a master platinum coach for Tony back in 2012.

And literally, and he’s got this great thing where he says, you need to have the right state. You need to have the right story. And you need to have the right strategy to do anything. And if we take a look at what that means, your state is your focus, right? And if you’re focused on, being a great real estate investor, and you focus on what you want, where you want it, you know what the price points are, how many doors you can start to move towards it, but you need to back up your state with a really powerful story.

And your story guys is really your identity.  You’re either going to be a victim, to the market or a victim to interest rates or a victim to COVID-19 or a victim, or you can choose to be a Victor or be victorious. So once somebody aligns their state and their story, which is they’re focused on their identity, now we get to execute on the strategy and the strategy is really what do you want?

Why do you want it? N to action to go and make it a reality. So really state story strategy. if we go back to the weight loss example, most people can find the strategy, but what they’re missing is the focus and their own identity to achieve greatness in weight loss. Does that resonate?

Seyla: [00:10:43] Yes, that resonates.

And I totally agree. 100% in terms of having your mindset,  to do it in real estate, especially is, you can take it. You can have all the educations you want. However, if you don’t really actually have that mindset and your goals and clarities and cause on it, it’s way difficult  drive yourself to do it.

so  you know how, there are times when people cannot always scale up in this business, what are the five things that hold them back from achieving the massive success?

Trevor: [00:11:13] Yeah, again, I appreciate you teeing up the ball because it’s really,  absolutely unbelievable how universal this.

So I don’t care if you’re in the U S as a real estate investor or up where I am in Canada. I also coach people in the UK, in Italy, in Asia, in New Zealand, and even as far away as Australia. And what I’m about to share with you and the listeners is what I call, the five key reasons that real estate investors fail to scale.

And a lot of people get on camp out at one or two properties, which is okay. But for people to really, they see the potential that real estate investing can give you. I’m sure they will find this very fascinating. And the first one is no surprise guys. Number one is what I call limiting beliefs.  We’ve all got things that have happened to us, or maybe we’ve witnessed somebody in our community go through, or maybe our parents said you don’t want to invest in real estate.  You’re going to have tenants calling you about their plugged up toilet at midnight. So we literally have what we call the beliefs. We’ve got some values and some rules that we really need to check in with.

And make sure they’re what we want, not what someone else wants for us. And it starts by getting crystal clear on any limiting beliefs that you’ve got about being able to go out there and do real estate. Because if you think, I’m too old, or I don’t have enough money, or the markets are too competitive or, you know what, if I lose the investor’s money, those are very daunting questions.

But ultimately, if that’s your focus, all of those things, rather than how can you step up and achieve that? That’s where most people originally start to fall down is just hanging on to far too many limiting beliefs. Does that makes sense?

Seyla: [00:12:52] That makes sense

Trevor: [00:12:52] number two is what I call a lack of a strategic plan.

Now, this is interesting because if the listener is hearing me. The second thing that I see holding most people back is them not having the end in mind or a destination. They start off and then they take the next step and the next step. But if you don’t know where you’re stepping to, how are you ever going to arrive at a destination?

So what I do as a master platinum code is number one. I help you get rid of your limiting beliefs. And then number two, we set the longterm goals for what you want to achieve right now, get this longterm to me is only five years, right? Because here’s what I believe. When it comes to setting goals, short term goals are the things we’re going to do over the next three, six, nine or 12 months.

Longterm goals are what we’re going to do from that first year to the fifth year. And then anything after that is what I call your life vision or your real estate vision or your business vision. So what we start to do is we say, okay, we’re, what do I want to be in five years? And then we start reverse engineering, the plan, all the way back to today so that we can do the right things in the right order at the right times for the right reason, reasons to get you to keep moving towards.

Those five-year target. So ultimately limiting beliefs is number one and a lack of the strategic plan is number two. Does that make sense? That makes sense. Yeah, number three is a really interesting one as well, because most people,  can get rid of some limiting beliefs and create a plan. But I’m telling you if you’re not creating that plan with what we call systems for support, you’re really fooling yourself because real estate is not a one man band where you just go out there and you, one day you call a broker and one day you call it investor.

And one day you call a property manager and maybe the next day you go to a real estate conference. You got to really systematically think about, what is it that you need to put into place so that, when are you calling brokers? When do you need to talk to investors? How do you underwrite deals?

What’s the market data that you should be looking, hang on. How many different markets should you look at? And so systematizing, the plan can really be helpful. not only for you to get moving, but for you to absolutely, not have to recreate the wheel every time you start a new search, does that resonate?

Seyla: [00:15:09] Yes.

Trevor: [00:15:09] Number four is a big one. It’s the one that I see the most. And that’s number four. What I call poor time management. Yes, poor time management, because we’ve all been given what we call 168 hours a week. You’ve got 168 hours. I’ve got 168 hours a week. The listeners got 168 hours a week. Now we sleep for a lot of those.

We eat, we pay the bills. We play with the kids, right? Some of us have W2 jobs, but what are you doing with the real estate time that’s left over? Because I can tell you after coaching 25,000 people, that most people, don’t work on what I call the urgent and important aspects. They’re doing busy work.

They think they’re doing this for some good reason when. You know what that’s like what they should be doing after they start knocking out a few other things. So I get people really crystal clear, whether they’ve got five hours a week for real estate, 10, 15, 20,  until they get to a point where they’ve built up enough with their real estate that now working that W2 becomes optional.

Because I want everyone to have choice. Some will want to stay with the W2 and do real estate. Some will want to, see, maybe a release of that W2 and do real estate full time. Because at the end of the day, I think that what we’re all trying to do is work towards. You know what I call the five freedoms.

Now go through that in just a bit, because number four was, poor time management, which is something I’m an expert in really help people optimize, maximize what they’re doing. So that’s number four. And then number five is really what I do call a lack of execution.  if you don’t execute. And then I have a coach, a teacher, a mentor, a facilitator, an accountability, buddy, holding you accountable.

We know that the path of least resistance cuts in and,  people find themselves sitting on the couch, watching Netflix, right? You can’t watch Netflix every night. If you want to be a world class investor, or if you want to even, use real estate as a supplement to income. Because we call television or, any of that stuff, the electronic income reducer, that’s what Tony Robbins calls, television, the electronic income reducer.

And I believe in that, I think that for people that are defiantly committed, To literally using what is in my arguable humble position, the greatest wealth vehicle on the planet that anyone can do it’s real estate. So to recap that limiting beliefs are a big problem, lack of a strategic plan, right? Lack of systems for support, poor time management.

And then either we don’t execute or we don’t have anybody to hold them accountable, but if you can navigate the other side of all of those. I’m telling you can make as much impact and as much income through real estate as you want. Yeah. Something that we learned from you also is it’s 80% mindset, 20% strategy.

That’s it. And that’s why if we take those three little S words, I gave you state, story, strategy, your state makes up about 40% of your success. That’s your focus every day. Your story or your identity makes up 40% of your success. And then that 20% of strategy or mechanics or taking action is all you need.

But if you talk to anybody that’s ever, been a phenomenal, real estate investor, let’s take our good friend, mr. Joe Fairless, Joe just didn’t move in two apartment buying. He literally worked on his psychology, and that’s allowed him to absolutely achieve phenomenal levels of success.

In a very short matter of time. for the listener that may not know this I’m Joe Fairless’ coach. I’ve been coaching Joe since 2013 and Joe went from owning no apartment buildings to now having just under $1 billion. That’s with a B. Of real estate, under assets managed, he’s got close to 8,000 doors, right?

He’s all over, parts of Texas and Florida. And he’s gone on to write three great books. He’s gone on to put on conferences. And he has arguably the longest daily running podcast on the planet for real estate, the best real estate advice show ever. So when I look at somebody like that, I can really now reengineering and  trace Joe’s steps and Eileen, that you’re spot on with that.

It certainly wasn’t just his strategy. It was his psychology combined with the strategy. That’s allowed them to achieve unparalleled levels of success.

Seyla: Wow. That’s a really great advice for our listeners. We will appreciate it, coach. so what is one piece of advice that propels your real estate journey that you can share with our listeners?

Trevor: I think you gotta really, start again by getting crystal clear on what is your, why? Why are you doing real estate in the first place? Are you doing it? Because it’s a great wealth vehicle. Are you doing it because you’re ready to have a little variety, outside of your W2.

Is it that you want to make a little bit of extra cash so that the family can take, great trips around this beautiful blue planet. Do you want to leave a legacy for your kids? why is big enough? And you hold that why and you make that white active every day, every week, every month. And you know why you’re doing something I’m telling you, the human brain is a powerful machine.

That goes out there and finds ways for you to get to that outcome. So I think the first piece of advice is to really check in and ask that question. What is your, why? Why are you doing it in the first place? And don’t just come up with one reason. We want you to come up with two, three, five, 10, 15 reasons because guys, when times get tough, right?

When you can’t find the deal, when you expect an investor to come in and invest it at the 11th hour, they pull out, things are gonna happen. But if your why is super strong, again, you get up, you dust yourself off and you keep moving towards your ultimate goals.

Seyla: [00:20:57] I agree. as long as your why’s and that would drive, your motivations to keep you going forward.

One of the things that you mentioned, coach during our conversation, you mentioned about the five freedoms. Would you be able to go over a little bit of, what are those five freedoms?

Trevor: [00:21:12] Absolutely. It’s passion of mine to go over these, because I really think that this is what I am looking for. You’re looking for the listeners are looking for Joe Fairless is looking for, and again, they’re available to all of us if we believe they are, because these are the five freedoms that I think everyone is working towards.

And real estate is one of the greatest vehicles that can help you. You get all of these, so we’ll kick it off with number one, the answer to this. It’s number one, financial freedom that is getting to a place where you get the money thing handled. You get it done, you get it out of the way so that you can go off and do other things.

And part of those other things will come up in the other four freedoms, but it’s not about significance. It’s not about ego. It’s not about me getting all the.  the jets and the cars and the houses and the jewelry. I’m not about material items. What I’m about is helping people, because if you help enough people in real estate, that is you help the,  Harmon owner that wants to sell because he’s owned it for 20 years, you help the lender, loan you some money, you help the investor invest some money.

You help that property manager land the new gig. When you help enough people get what they want. You’ll have every one of those people helping you get what you want, because at the end of the day, I’ve always said this and you’ll hear me say it over and over that money is the byproduct of value creation.

And if you see that you can create value as an investor, money has to come back to you as the byproduct of that. So again, the first freedom is financial freedom. Does that resonate with you? Both? Yes, sir. Yeah. The second thing that I see real estate, they doing for a lot of people is creating what we call number two time.

Freedom. That is where you literally have the ability now to really, and do I want to work at WSU or I just want to do real estate. Do I want to be active in real estate? Do I want to be passive in real estate or maybe a hybrid of both. All right. Do I want to, work from California or Coover, or could you literally, work from anywhere on the planet that there’s an internet connection and a phone?

Because again at the end of the day, the financial freedom supports you moving to time, freedom. And then that brings in freedom. Number three, which I alluded to it, which is geographical freedom or location freedom. It’s where my wife, Lessa and I, we have a beautiful home here in Vancouver, but we often travel at least four to five times internationally a year.

Now, Covid put a little damper on that this year, but man, every year for the past five, six years, you’ll find us in Italy. You’ll find us in the UK. You’ll find us in Hong Kong. We spent a ton of time in Australia, this winter, we’re going to New Zealand, we’ve taken Alaskan cruise. We go to New York, we go to Florida, we go to California, we go to Denver and we don’t say that to beat on our chest because it’s not about us.

It’s about the fact that we have designed find our real estate and our coaching lifestyle. So that we can do it from anywhere we are on the planet. Does that make sense? Cause that’s number three.

Seyla: [00:24:09] Yes. That makes sense.

Trevor: [00:24:10] You bet. Now numbers four and five are really interesting because number four is what I call freedom of purpose, right?

Freedom of purpose. what’s that? once you have financial freedom, time, freedom and geographical freedom, you can use some of that money, some of that time and go anywhere on the planet. to make this planet better, maybe you pursue a passion as an impact investor. Maybe you go build a school in a third world country.

Maybe you go and help somebody have clean drinking water.  I really do believe that real estate has allowed my wife, Lessa pursue one of her passions, which is children’s writing. And you guys know this. She just launched her new children book called a new alphabet for humanity. And it’s been crazy busy with that project because instead of teaching kids a is for Apple, B as for ball C is for cat and D is for dog.

She absolutely rewrote the entire alphabet with words that really matter like a is for abundance and be as for bravery and see us for compassion Diaz for diversity, he is forever puffy and it goes all the way to the end of the alphabet so that we can teach kids. And remind ourselves as parents and as business people that, that’s what the world really needs right now is us to come back to reminding that, the number one thing on the planet that we really all need to have is literally, powerful relationships and treaty each other.

With respect and dignity and all of those things. So I think the world is waking up to that. And I don’t think there’s ever been a better time for Leesa to release this book because we keep selling out all over the planet. everywhere from the UK to Australia, Amazon Shopify. But if any listeners, want to go pick up a great copy of a world class book, I’m super proud of Leesa and they can just go to  alphabet for humanity.com.

There they’ll find an option, to buy a book for themselves or their children or their grandchildren,  makes a great gift. And for every book that Leesa sells. We plant a tree somewhere on the planet. And so far we planted trees in the United States. We planted trees in Canada, Costa Rica, and Australia.

So we’re super proud of what that has allowed. And that came from number four of the freedoms, which is. Freedom of purpose. Does that make sense?

Seyla: [00:26:25] That makes sense. And to stack on that, we, we had a great honor as to receive a copy of the books from, coach and it was a great book. and I learned a few more words for myself.

So as for you listeners out there as if you haven’t get a copy yet, I will put a link into the descriptions and go ahead and, please go to that website and get yourself a copy.

Trevor: [00:26:45] Thank you so much. That’s very kind of both of you to do. And I know that your family will have that book for many years to come.

And, there’s a whole bunch of other things. There’s flashcards, there’s posters, there’s a school curriculum coming.  we just partnered up with a company that does, solar lanterns. So kids in third world countries can read the book with a solar lantern that recharges every day.  the sky’s the limit when you are out there.

Really making an impact on this beautiful blue planet. And that takes us to number five, which is what we call, freedom of relationships that is if you’re tired of hanging around with people that really don’t inspire you, that don’t engage you, that don’t compel you to step up and make a difference on the planet.

It’s time to leave some of those relationships and step up because Tony Robins says, you become who you hang with. And not to say that the people that aren’t changing the planet, aren’t good people, but you know what they’re living in their model of the world. And people like you guys and myself and Joe Fairless.

We want to elevate people’s emotions and get people to step up so that they can surround themselves with other people that inspire to engage, to enroll, to compel all of us, to play a bigger role as real estate investors. Because if you guys think of the ripple effect that happens, like I said, communities get changed.

Families get changed, landscapers families get changed, property managers, the list is massive. That you guys take one step towards buying a small apartment, building a bigger apartment, building a single family, home, a mobile home park, a self storage unit or whatever. And, that’s really what I believe is, and has the secret to living is giving.

And that really allows you to give to yourself, give to your family, give to your investors, give to communities. It’s literally a gift that keeps on giving. If you want to know the truth, recap, the five we’ve got financial freedom. We’ve got time freedom. We’ve got geographical freedom. We’ve got freedom of, relationships.

And then obviously, the purpose freedom. So guys at the end of the day, I know because I’ve been coaching you are already on your path to all of those, and I just, couldn’t be more proud of you.

Seyla: [00:28:49] Thank you. That’s a really great information for our listeners. There, you have it folks. That’s a lot of information today.

So there’s a couple more questions for you, coach. What has been the highlight of your real estate career so far?

Trevor: [00:29:02] Wow. The highlight of my career is probably meeting more people. I think that, and you guys have heard me say that, we don’t even say that we’re in the real estate business, we’re in the relationship business.

As I need more building owners, lenders, brokers, subtrades general contractors.  There’s no shortage of people and I call that building your professional pillars. So the greatest highlight for me is obviously meeting those types of people when I do deals. Cause I’m doing deals all the time.

But it’s also meeting great students and clients like you that are ready to take your game to the next level. So I’m really blessed with having amazing people in the real estate arena and then the real estate coaching arena. And yeah, I’ve got no shortage of relationships that I want to continue to build and meet new people and see other people because we’ve been blessed to achieve a phenomenal all of success.

And now my wishes, are to really elevate others to do the same.

Seyla: [00:29:57] that’s the real ultimate goals. And, what tools or techniques have you used to improve your, the efficiency of your business?

Trevor: [00:30:04] It’s a great question. And you’re going to, laugh at what my number one answer is, but, I work with a coach.

In fact, I worked with two coaches plus an accountability partner that keeps me continuing to step up because, I teach something called the, real estate ladder of success. And it’s if your listener can picture a ladder with six rungs going up.  We literally are somewhere on that ladder as a real estate investor, as a husband, as a wife, as a mother, as a father, as a brother, as a sister, as a community member.

And if we can picture the very first rung on that ladder, we call that showing up poor P O R. Now I know you guys don’t show up poorly in anything. So let’s go to rung number two, because run number two is where you show up. Good.  So run one is poor. Two is good. So now you’re a good husband. You’re a good wife.

You’re a good mother.  Good’s not good enough anymore. So let’s bump it up to rung number three, which is great. Now you’re showing up great with your spouse. Great with your kid is great with your lenders, but guys, there’s still three other levels to move up that ladder. So if we go from running one poor up to run two, which is good up to run three, which is great.

Now we draw a dotted line between run three and run number four, we move up above the line and we play above the line in what we call number four. Excellent. Now we’re showing up excellent. As an investor, we’re putting out excellent podcasts. We’re going to excellent meetups.  we’re working with excellent team members.

There’s still two levels left. If we go from excellent. Number four, up to number five. Yeah. That’s where you go to what we call outstanding. Imagine the type of investor you can be. If you play full out at level five, outstanding. Now you’re outstanding at calling brokers. You’re outstanding at due diligence.

You’re outstanding at underwriting. You’re outstanding with your investor conversation, or if you want to go coach T that is coach Trevor and Joe Fairless on this. You can go to the highest rung on the ladder, right? That we talk about or teach, which we call number six, extraordinary or extra ordinary.

Because again, you’re going to play somewhere on that ladder and the listener just needs to ask themselves. Are they playing below the line in the middle or are they playing above the line and you can even do this for stuff outside of real estate, where are you showing up in your current diet and your health?

Somewhere on that ladder, where you’re showing up with your significant other, where are you showing up with your kids? Where are you showing up with tithing and giving some money to your community or the church? it doesn’t matter what the topic is when you identify by where you’re at on that ladder of success.

Yes. There’s an invitation to go up, right? There’s an invitation to recognize it. And we don’t blame it. We don’t shame it. We don’t justify it. We just go, what if I’m good, I want to go up to great. Or if I’m already great at something, what do I need to do with my state, my story and my strategy, to go to excellent or outstate.

And again, that’s what my coach does for me. He’s always checking in to see, where’s Trevor at not just in real estate, but in every area of my life, because I want to play above the line. And I don’t have to get to extraordinary, extra ordinary and everything. I just need to make sure that I don’t, slip below that middle section because that’s what average people do.

And I’m not average, you guys aren’t average a lot of the people in our tribe aren’t average. And we belong, in the upper half of the ladder.


Seyla: [00:33:32] so what is your next goals in your real estate journey from here?

Trevor: [00:33:36] it’s again, to continue to, diversify and buy different.  multifamily properties in different. So the United States and some other countries as well right now, Leesa and I have purchased, so paid it in syndications with Joe.

In Texas and Florida, we’ve got properties in Nashville properties in Raleigh, North Carolina.  we got some really cool stuff going on. in other States in the U S but outside of multifamily, we’ve also decided to really diversify. we did a deal with 505 self storage units in key West Florida.

That’s gone very well.  we bought a 1900 acre farm in Colorado. It’s a hemp farm because they’re using him for a lot of, medicinal purposes now. And what’s great about that is it came with water rights. So the property that we bought with our syndication partners has water rights on it.

A couple of years ago, we invested in a, a resort in Costa Rica and we also went as far away as, becoming shareholders. In a modular home building company in Australia. So with our properties here in Vancouver, multifamily, scattered out all over the U S the self storage stuff, the resort stuff, and the modular building company.

We really feel that we want to do more of that. We want to also take a look at where technology is going with AI with the blockchain virtual reality, and seeing how some of that’s going to impact real estate in the next, five, 10 years.  and then we’re also doing a lot of impact investing.

We do, invest our money in things outside of real estate, just because again, we’ve achieved certain levels of freedoms that we worked very hard for. And if you go all the way back to my story that I told you at the beginning of the call here, it wasn’t always this way. It’s a very long road to get to here.

But again for anyone who’s defiantly committed, to success and they just keep moving up. Those steps, anyone who’s listening to this call can absolutely arrive where they want to. Can they do it in a year? Probably not. Might they do it in two, three, five, 10 years, most likely. And Tony’s got this great quote.

He says that people often overestimate what they can do in a year, but they underestimate what they could do in five years. So again, slow and steady wins the race. You don’t need to be a cheetah. You don’t need to be a lion. You don’t need to be a gazelle. You could be snail or a turtle and still win at the game of real estate.

Aileen: Thank you so much for all the great advice and lessons that you’ve told us and our listeners today. So they wanted to reach out and get to know a little bit more about you. Can you please tell them how that they can reach you?

Trevor: Absolutely. And again, thank you for having me on your awesome show.  The best way to reach me is just to go to my website.

It’s Trevormcgregor.com. I’m sure you’ll pop that in the show notes, Trevormcgregor.com. You can read up a little bit about me and find out a little bit more about my coaching program and how that works. And, yeah, I just feel very blessed and grateful too. Literally, I’ve had great coaches, great mentors, great books,  in my life, and I think for anyone that really believes in the old phrase is that success leaves clues.

There’s probably a lot of stuff that I’ve delivered here today that if they go back and they listened to it a second time or a third time, and really, check in with themselves on where they’re strong, where there’s opportunity, I’m telling you real estate is a great vehicle to do it in.

Aileen: [00:36:56] Thank you so much, coach. We really appreciate your time.

Trevor: [00:36:59] Thank you. And congrats again to you folks on the success of your podcast, and can’t wait to tune in for even more great episodes.


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