SA042 | Rockstar Mom of 5 Crushing It In Real Estate With Dr. Erin Hudson

Dr. Erin Hudson
Dr. Erin Hudson is chiropractor who began her real estate journey acquiring rental properties and transacted over 230 acquisitions and dispositions. Today, she is the managing partner for 242 multifamily units and a 30-unit commercial retail. Dr. Hudson is also a partner at Quattro Capital and a proud mom of 5.
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Aileen (00:02):
Welcome everyone to today’s episode of the, how did they do it Real estate podcast. I’m your host Aileen and today our guest is Dr. Erin Hudson. Dr. Erin Hudson is a chiropractor who began her real estate journey, acquiring rental properties and transacted over 230 acquisitions and dispositions. Today, she is a managing partner for 242 multi-family units and a 30 unit commercial real estate retail. Dr. Hudson is also a partner at Quatro capital and a proud mom of five. So we’re very excited to have you on today, Dr. Hudson, how you are doing
Erin Hudson (00:37):
Very well? Very well. Thank you so much for having me on. I really appreciate it.
Aileen (00:41):
So it definitely want to dive in today as a proud mom of five with all your background and everything like that. Plus being so successful in real estate, we really want to get into how did you really do it and how are you being able to juggle everything?
Erin Hudson (00:56):
Well, my goodness, that’s like a loaded question here, but we could just start off as a doctor of chiropractic and 30 headaches slash team members. There was a lot going on in our offices, right? And so trying to figure out how I could jump into real estate. It was really having a coach that taught me how to master delegation. And that is when my world changed. It literally made it so that I could go see patients. And in between the patients, all of a sudden I had all this free time because instead of me doing the $10 an hour jobs, I had others that were doing them for me. So in between that little bit of time, that’s when I said, okay, it’s time to really explore more in this real estate space and long story short, that began my journey of looking into single-family properties.
Erin Hudson (01:43):
We lived in California, and as most of you to live in California, you have to pay a tenant pretty much to be in one of your properties. So we knew that we were not that cool, nor did we have a few million dollars to buy investment properties there. So long story short, we found ourselves in Indianapolis, Indiana. And within two years we acquired 26 rental properties. No, we did not have loads of cash sitting around to deploy into the single family properties. But guess what, what I will tell you is I am a master when it comes to resourcefulness and there are many ways to skin, a cat, and I love to stink and negotiate.
Aileen (02:22):
That’s great. Can you talk a little bit about how are you able to acquire all those properties in such a short amount of time?
Erin Hudson (02:29):
Yes, that’s a great question. So here’s how it went. I was really hungry to figure out how I could acquire, and I had heard something on bigger pockets, about a double close. And if I get completely honest with you, this is how it went. You guys, I did not have any education on a double close. This is how it went. I called in Indianapolis. I was interested. I found these three properties on Craigslist. And so I called the title company and a female answer the phone. And I just said, Sally, this is Erin. I said, listen, I’m actually calling because I’m looking to purchase these properties in Indianapolis, Indiana. And I heard there’s something called a double close, and I hate to waste your time, but is there any chance you could just tell me how that works and sure enough, she told me how it worked and was super helpful. And my goodness, that is how I did it for my first gosh, I think eight transactions. It was literally locking up the contract, turning around and finding an end buyer and taking the end buyer’s funds, closing my portion between the initial seller and me being the buyer, and then turning around and selling it to the other party, no money out of my pocket. And the end buyer is the one that brought the funds to the table. [Inaudible] It’s possible. And this is how we did it with so many transactions. So we’re,
Aileen (03:53):
Are you learning on your own or was it the broker that was helping you kind of paved the path and kind of figuring out the ropes?
Erin Hudson (04:01):
I love that you asked that because the truth of the matter is I didn’t have anyone. And so when I say just a woman of resourcefulness, I truly mean that I had no idea what I was doing. I just met a passion for real estate. I knew there was something called a double close. I was on a mission to figure out how the double-close worked. And then I went out and I found property managers, and I went out and I found construction workers. And let me tell you a secret. We acquired 26 rental properties there, and 230 acquisitions and dispositions. And I never once stepped foot in Indianapolis, Indiana, if you have an awesome, vetted out team and you create the vision for them, that look you take care of me, I’m going to take care of you. And if you do what’s right, and you work with integrity and honesty, I will feed and build your business like none other. So I created this vision. I didn’t even know how it was going to play out, but at the end of the day, they liked what they heard. And we had a mutually beneficial relationship with each of these different individuals. So that’s kind of how we did it.
Aileen (05:06):
Wow. That’s incredible. So how did you figure out that you wanted to invest in Indianapolis?
Erin Hudson (05:12):
Well, I take that back. Here’s, here’s how it really had started. I had a friend that did a turnkey company and it was in Indianapolis, Indiana. And then we ended up buying our first rental property from that company. We paid $118,000 for the rental property and it rented for $1,200. So we knew that 1% where we were getting it and then fast forward a month later, I ended up at the gym and my friend goes, Hey, I know you’re interested in investing. I’ve got a buddy that is selling six of his rental properties. He lived there in Southern California, Huntington Beach, where I’m from. And I said, really, where are they at? And you guys would never believe what he said. He goes, Indianapolis, Indiana. And I was like, what are the odds talk about favour. Right? So long story short, I ended up buying these six properties from this individual.
Erin Hudson (06:05):
And he already had management in place between two different property management companies. Three were section eight and three were regular. And so when I bought those properties that was really like my first real hurrah with cheaper properties meaning 40, $50,000 properties. One of the property management companies goes, hey, well, are you going to bring those other three to me? And here’s what I said to him. I would love to give you those other three. But the truth of the matter is I got to see who’s going to take the best care of me. Right. And he was like, wow, that’s a really great response. And so that was truly how it unfolded. And I had them for those six properties. And again, planting that vision and sharing with them that we want to grow their, both their property management companies. And that’s literally, we had great companies to be able to turn onto our clients. So that’s how we started with that.
Aileen (06:53):
So while you were doing all this, you were also still running your chiropractic office, is that right?
Erin Hudson (06:59):
Yeah. I had two offices at the time. They were six miles apart from one another. And I had a couple other doctors that I brought into the practice as well, because I was that crazy chick that was running, seeing patients in the morning at one practice and running over to the other practice and seen other patients and get, and as I told you, when I learned to master delegation, my hours went from 60 plus hours down to 28 hours, giving more jobs and opportunities to other individuals bringing doctors in. And it’s the law, right? Really? It’s like, if you honour and put your life back in balance, because I will tell you, my life was not imbalanced. I ate work. I drank work. I slept with work pretty much. I was married to work. Okay. And so being Frank, the kid family and the kids got felt like they were getting thrown curb side.
Erin Hudson (07:47):
And so my balance was so out of whack and when I got it back in alignment and imbalance, it’s just the, it’s the law, right? Once we get our life back in balance and we take care of what’s important in the family, making sure the household is running right. He rewards that right. Meaning the good Lord. And so going down to 28 hours, we were making more money, having more success, having more freedom. And that’s really what opened up the doors or the real estate space. And when I hear women say, man, I just don’t have enough time to do it. You know what my response is, I don’t want to hear it. How much of it is, how much of a priority is it to you? Because for me, there’s no mountain too high. I got grit. I’m persistent. I’m determined. And if I want it all go for it.
Erin Hudson (08:34):
No is just maybe a no at the moment, but it’s not no for later. So the thing is you can have whatever it is you desire in life. Just tell me the truth. How bad do you really want it? Because we’re not meant to live here in life and have mediocrity, not even remotely. And people that look at my life go, you’re crazy. How do you do it all? It’s so fun. And so w tough to win in life. Right? And so it’s just getting a little bit, a little taste of it and you want more. And so anyways,
Aileen (09:03):
Absolutely. I really love that. Especially I have our son right now. And so I know how it is to juggle, but I can’t even imagine how you do it with bots.
Erin Hudson (09:13):
Thank God the Lord gives grace. That’s what I have for sure.
Aileen (09:18):
So how did you transition from your single family into multi-family?
Erin Hudson (09:24):
Fantastic. That’s a great question. So as soon as I acquired those 26 rental properties, and then we created the turnkey, right. And we had done all of those transactions, we found out very quickly about multifamily and apartment buildings. And it was kind of like this playing the game of monopoly. Do you want to land on Vermont and just collect that small portion? Or did you want to be the one that landed on boardwalk in the apartment building with one roof and 50 doors? So I’ll take the ladder. And so we started to explore, got in with a mentoring group from Ari mentor and learn the ins and outs. We knew that it was much more of a learning curve. I think we can all agree that we wanted to land on boardwalk, right with that one roof and all of those doors. It was most advantageous.
Erin Hudson (10:11):
When we found out about multifamily, it literally changed our whole mind-set and our game plan. At the time we were working with our other individuals and investors that were buying the single family, but at the same token, we shared with them and we were very transparent. We said, look, single family is not the end. All be all my goal for each one of you is to the time to be the bank, to have the single family, to climb the ladder and go to the multifamily. Right. And so I shared with them once we get there, we’ll happily take you along for the ride so that you too can have a taste of it as well. And so fast forward, we have now landed into the multifamily space. It’s been two and a half years since we started our learning curve in that space. And it took some time, it took some time to really start to charge and make things happen. So that’s it.
Aileen (11:03):
So can you walk us through the first deal and how were you able to prepare yourself in your mind-set to be able to purchase that first deal?
Erin Hudson (11:11):
Sure. So I will be that person that tells you and gives maybe can I give a little bit of advice to your listeners? Absolutely. We’d love that. Thank you. Okay, fantastic. So I was the chick that was trying to talk to the brokers, find the investors, find the property, you get the gist. I was trying to wear all the hats and I literally for a year and a half was burnt out. I was just like, man, how is one really supposed to do this? And so I think if I’m truthful, that first deal was more of a desperation, excited, not desperation. It was a great property. But what I will tell you is it’s very important to make sure just in general that you really vet out your partners because it’s going to be like, you’re sleeping with them for five or six years. So don’t be that check.
Erin Hudson (12:00):
Don’t do what I did and be like, oh, this sounds great. I thought, because I came from the same learning group that I was a part of that man, these are all good people. And just because I do well by people and I’m a good person doesn’t mean everybody else is right. And so, and it’s not, I don’t mean that in such a negative way, but basically you want to make sure your values, that’s what it is. You want to make sure your values align. You want to make sure that where you want to go is where they want to go. Right? Otherwise it’s going to be a divided house. And so with that being said, if I were doing it all over again, always, always, always, no matter what, I think it’s great to vet your sources and even have background checks just in general and make you feel so much better about moving forward with an individual or a group that you’re going to work with. Anyhow. So with that being said, I will tell you that it did turn out wonderful. We’ve now closed on seven apartment buildings. And I have the pleasure of working with the most incredible team that was truly vetted out. And perhaps for another story, you’ll have to hear exactly how I met them because it’s a mind blowing story.
Aileen (13:02):
No, thank you for sharing. And so since that first multifamily, how have you been able to scale your business so far?
Erin Hudson (13:10):
So great question as well. So like I said, going back to trying to wear all those hats, I went to a couple conferences, got a little bit excited and I really had this clear vision that what I needed to do was to hone in and find out what my super power was. Right. And so I quickly found out and I knew that it was people’s skills and relationships and negotiating and so on and so forth. But I certainly was not that person that needed to be locked up in a box, doing underwriting and trying to vet all the deals and so on and so forth. And so I actually, from the same group, I found a couple of partners and we came in as a joint venture and took down our first property together. There was four of us. We each came in for 25% of the deal. And fast forward we did that. One deal did two, did three. And we went, Oh my gosh, we need to partner together. This is one incredibly strategic, amazing team where our values line up, our goals lined up and it’s been such an incredible ride. And I hope that for all of you, I want you all to get a taste of that because it’s incredible when you work with the right people.
Aileen (14:16):
And so when you’re meeting these partners, what kind of conversations, if you can share, do you have to make sure that they share the same values as you and they’re in line with your goals and your objectives?
Erin Hudson (14:28):
Okay. So here, I’m going to share my story. I just feel inspired to share it. So I’m going to, and this is how it worked with my partners and how we found them. I was at a conference, there were a thousand people in this room and they were giving me an award for closing 104 doors within my first year of the mentorship program and the, from the stage, they said, well, how was it Erin, that you celebrated the close on this property? And my kids, my family, we’re really big on giving back to the needy, the poor, the widow. And we travel around the world to different places like Nicaragua, Haiti, Israel, and Billy’s. And we go love on these kids at Christmas time and build orphanages and so on and so forth. So they asked me, how did you celebrate? And I said, oh, we have this great project in Nicaragua.
Erin Hudson (15:14):
And we were building homes for, for moms there that are single moms of children. And, and it only costs $5,500. And we had already built 10 in the past. And that’s how we celebrated. We just built our 11th house to celebrate the closing on this property. And sure enough, something came over me and I started to get emotional. And here I was on this stage in front of a thousand people and tears were coming down my face and I, something in my gut just said, go for it, Aaron. And so I said, as a matter of fact, if I can get two people to match me, I’ll build two more homes for the poor. And from that very far back of the room, this gentlemen strapping gentleman stands up and says, I’m in for one house. And then all of a sudden up front, another lady stands up and she goes, I’m in for one house.
Erin Hudson (16:01):
And before you knew it, within 10 minutes, we had raised $55,000 from this crowd to build 10 homes in Nicaragua. And I remember that night going to bed and say, man, Lord, why did you do that to me? I could have totally got rejected in front of a thousand people. And I could have done the, ask and everybody just sat there not saying anything. And he clearly said to me that night, listen, I want for you to see the value that you bring. I want people to see the desire of your heart, and I want you to link arms with it with people that think and believe in giving back to a greater cause and not about just money, money, money, money, that, how can we change this world one person at a time? And I want you to link up with those people. Right? And so at the time I was like, okay, that’s kind of a weird comment, but okay, I’ll go with it. And sure enough, the two partners that are the two people that stood at the very beginning are the partners that I have the pleasure to be linked with. And it happened super organically. We didn’t even talk for a couple months after the event and sure enough, here we are together working. So,
Aileen (17:08):
Wow. That’s incredible. That is incredible. And I love that you’re bringing your children into everything and they’re learning the values that you’re trying to teach to them and just incorporating them into everything that you’re doing and just passing down everything to them and trying to build them up and become strong people as they grow older too. Yeah.
Erin Hudson (17:26):
Thank you very much. I appreciate that.
Aileen (17:28):
So, as you’ve been scaling up your business, it seems like you’ve had such incredible success so far, especially in real estate and all your personal life and then your chiropractic businesses. Are you still running those and what has been the most difficult challenge that you have diesel?
Erin Hudson (17:46):
So I would say in, I moved to San Antonio, Texas two and a half years ago. And that’s when I became the director of my wellness centre. And I had other doctors that were running the wellness centre. We knew that Laura does crazy stuff, right. But I was put in that position where I could really, I moved into the real estate, we got a taste of the mailbox money, which was awesome, but I think it was all preparation for us to, to move on out and really be in a place that, that made more sense for our family and for going forward. And what happened was I put my practice up for sale so I could focus a hundred percent just in the multifamily space. And thank goodness it did sell in March just right as COVID was happening. So sold the practice and it really just is allowed us to move and really have our efforts and our concentration in the place that we’re really passionate about.
Erin Hudson (18:37):
Right. And being able to help families and change lives and at the same token, help investors to be a part as well. So yeah, it really, it was challenging. I will tell you at the beginning, when I left to go to Texas and I thought, this is great. I’m going to move into this real estate space. I hadn’t planned properly enough, obviously the right way I brought in one doctor into my practice, which was an issue because I should have had to simply because one of those part, or I’m sorry, that doctor ended up moving and I had no one. And so when we talk about hardships, right, everything happens for a reason. And the truth is there’s blessing this around the corner. If we look for it. But at the time it was painful. I had to move back to California. And for six months I was away from my family.
Erin Hudson (19:25):
I had to step back in as the doctor, but that was such a critical time in my life as painful as it was. It really helped me to figure out how I could go moving forward in the multifamily space in a more effective manner. And that is when I came to that conclusion of, I need to stop doing all of it and just focus on my great gift and my talent. And as much as each of us wake up every day. And sometimes we feel defeated and there’s such stress and there’s such pressure right. Of the world. And honestly, I try to have it’s that self-dialogue, right? Because I could have been so ticked at myself for the positioning and I put my family and myself in and self-beating yourself up for all the lay moves and so on and so forth. But guess what?
Erin Hudson (20:11):
That was such a time of reflection. And I came back stronger, more equipped and ready to hit it hard in my super power. And that’s when everything began to just really unfold and work out for itself. So I encourage each of you that feel a little bit overwhelmed, really reach for your super power, and find out what it is because whatever your strength is, you want to find that opposite person or that person with the opposite strength, right. That’s what makes a great team. And that’s why we are having such success because without one another, we cannot flourish. So you need the strengths and the weaknesses as part of that team. So it was really a regroup as it was as much as it was a hard time that I had to go through.
Aileen (20:54):
So during this difficult time, there’s probably a ton of activities going on and everything’s just getting flooded in, how are you able to pick and choose like the PR and prioritize which ones you can handle versus being resourceful and utilizing the people around you and the resources to be able to help you get to where you want to be.
Erin Hudson (21:16):
Well, I think that it really goes back to staying in that position where your strength and walk out your strength. And for example, I would love to share with you like the first deal that our team took down together as a joint venture and how, what I did was extremely helpful for my team, even though I saw what they were doing, I was like, pinch me, am I really this excited and lucky to be able to work with what’s with such incredible partners, but at the same token, based on what I was doing is a massive strength. And that’s what I’m talking about that I will, if you would like for me to share with you, this incredible deal that we put together, I would love to give your listener, please. A little hear about this because it will probably get their creative juices flowing and help others to start making some wild, different moves that are not standard.
Aileen (22:04):
Yes, please. That’d be, that’d be awesome. Thank you.
Erin Hudson (22:07):
Fantastic. So I’ll tell you about this deal. We actually have this deal in Knoxville, Tennessee, and its called castle terrace. It was a 35 unit. And at the time they were not my partners. We were all just coming together with our, with our own entities and our own companies. And basically the other said, hey, listen, we’ve got $600,000 that we’ve got to raise for this. I think it makes the most sense for us to be able to take it on our own and have it as a joint venture versus syndicating it. And so I said, they said, okay, your job is to bring 300,000. And so I will never forget. I was like, okay, I can either go cash out refi on my 26 properties because we owned them free or clear with the exception of three of them. So I love to leverage, but I was not walking out the leverage with my property.
Erin Hudson (22:56):
So I was like, I think now’s the time. So I go to bed that night. I wake up in the middle of the night and the good Lord puts an idea on my heart. And I wake up my husband in the middle of the night and I’m like, wake up, wake up. I got to tell you something. He’s like, I’m like, and I got an idea about the rental, the property, the castle terrace. He goes, babe, it’s three in the morning. Like, can we talk about this tomorrow? And I am unapologetically obsessed with real estate. And that’s part of my problem as much as my husband loves it. So basically what I wound up wound up with, I woke up and I said, Oh my goodness, why do I need to bring my money OPM all day long OPM all day long. And so I got on face book and I literally said something to the tune of what, if you could be the, what if, what if, how would you like to be the bank?
Erin Hudson (23:47):
Have it, how would you like to be the bank? Make a great return and have it backed by real estate. That’s what I said, something to that effect. And my Facebook blew up with 65. I think we had 65 people that were like, tell me more. How can I get so on and so forth? So long story short, I got three people that brought a hundred thousand dollars each to the table. We had it backed by my single properties. Because as when you have a loan, you cannot put somebody, you bet alone with Freddie or Fannie. You can’t have somebody in second position. So I had them tied to my own single family properties. I said, look, I’ll give you 7% return, paid out quarterly to your minimum two year maximum. And within 24 hours, I had my $300,000 in hand to go help to close this deal.
Erin Hudson (24:35):
And the best part was is, listen, you’re not begging anybody for money. You guys, this is extending an opportunity. And if you play your cards right, and you make it about an opportunity, because it truly is think about it. You’re getting less than 1% in the bank. And now in the sun, you’re willing to give somebody a 7% return quarterly, Oh, by the way, interest only. Awesome. So first pay out comes or goes out. My text message comes in and says, Eric, Dr. Hudson, thank you so much for this opportunity. We got our first check. We’re so excited. Thanks for letting us link arms with you. Do you know the joy that that brings to my heart, that I was able to fill the need of somebody else yet? I was well taken care of that. My friend is called a win-win absolutely incredible. So I encourage you to think outside the box. There’s always somebody looking for an opportunity just because you’re making 12% cash on cash in your apartment building doesn’t mean everybody else’s so go find a way for it to benefit you. And if you need help, reach out to me, I’ll give you a few tips and tricks.
Aileen (25:39):
Awesome. Thank you so much. And so dr. Hudson, I was also curious as a mom of five, how are you able to also teach your children and kind of pass on your knowledge for like real estate and financial implications and just kind of getting them more prepared and more involved in that side of things?
Erin Hudson (26:00):
Such a fabulous question. And if you guys now may any of you, do you know that I’m a hundred percent about my kids, my family, and leading a legacy because all of us could have a job, which is just over broke, right? It’s time for us to have an entrepreneurial spirit. Because we’re all born with one it’s really to walk it out and get a taste of it. So my kids know that we are on a massive mission and our house to create freedom, passive income, and really to be able to leave something behind for our legacy, right? And to make a Mark in this world, there’s too much negativity. There’s too much selfishness. There’s too much manipulation. What if you could walk out life and really benefit other people and show your how to do what it is that you do or maybe to even give them options.
Erin Hudson (26:47):
Right? So here’s how it went down. My daughter at the time was only 16 years old and we gave, she had been funding her Roth IRA, and she actually bought her first rental property in Indianapolis at 16 years old. And we made it super advantageous for her, but we also teach our kids. Like we had taught her at the time we were the bank for her. So we said, look, you can earn 10% on your money. Can you lend me $5,000? Did we need the stink in $5,000? I’ll take, go out on the limb for your kids. Right? So we weren’t giving her anything. We were teaching her the power of compounding interest and how to make a great return. And so basically this is what we said to her. We said, look, you can either take this $5,500 and you can buy a car with your 5,500 or you can take your 5,500 and you can buy a property.
Erin Hudson (27:39):
And we owe you 2000. So you’re 5,500 in your Roth IRA that you have. Plus the 2000 that we owe you, that makes 7,500, we will let you buy a property from us and have it, have your Roth IRA by it where you can choose a car, but your car is going to be a liability. Right? And so kids love choice. And so sure enough, she bought the home and was collecting money. And as kids, what do they want to do? They want to spend their money. So it being in the Roth IRA, she could never touch it, which is a beautiful thing. We got to show her and she got to see it grow well. She just sold that stinking property two weeks ago and she’s getting ready. She’s going to go on the next property. She’s she has $50,000 now from that stinking property. And now she’s going to jump in the multifamily space and get a taste, right? So are we strategic with our kids? Do we educate them? Heck yes. Could I be better a hundred percent, maybe slow down and have those talks and show them our portfolio. So they too can get excited about what we’re creating for our family.
Aileen (28:42):
Oh, that’s amazing. Especially we talked a lot of real estate professionals and we asked them, well, what is one thing that you wish you knew now that you wish you knew then? Right. And a lot of them say, I wish I knew about real estate early on. And so you are definitely paving the way for them very early on and educating them to be successful later on in life. I mean, it sounds like she’s already on the right path, so great job. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. So Dr. Hudson, what is next for you? What is your next focus? So our next focus,
Erin Hudson (29:15):
Our next focus is we’ve got a few things in the pipeline. We’ve got over 120 doors that are currently under contract right now. And we are doing due diligence on that. We also have an Airbnb that’s in the Hill country here in Texas. And this is what I’m really excited about. It’s a high amenity home. It rents for $500 a night. And so we’re missing out on that group of people that can maybe only afford 150 or $200 a night. So we are in the Hill country on five acres. And so we actually are bringing, have you ever heard of those little container homes
Aileen (29:51):
Like the small mini,
Erin Hudson (29:53):
Like the containers that go across the water, they ship stuff in those containers, big containers. I’m going to have to show you because they’re pretty intriguing. So anyways, long story short, these kids, these 20 foot by eight feet containers, we have converted and put shiplap and brought in the whole infrastructure. And we are in the middle of they’re being delivered this week to our property. And so you can rent them for $150 a night. So we have five of those coming on our five acres. And it’s just another stream of income that we would love. Our ultimate goal is to give each of our kids, they have their phone and let them be in control of the Airbnb and answer the emails and be able to let them get a taste of that, collect the money and let them really take ownership of learning, how to be entrepreneurial and making sure people are taken care of and working on their people skills. So really that’s where my heart is that it’s just another Avenue. We love the Airbnb, but this makes our Airbnb even more exciting because we already own it. We’re just now increasing, going to be able to increase the revenues that it creates from that property. So super exciting. Just fun stuff altogether.
Aileen (31:00):
Oh, that is, that does sound really unique and different. So
Erin Hudson (31:05):
[Inaudible] a video you might be like, Oh my gosh, that is intriguing. Because it is pretty cool.
Aileen (31:11):
It does sound interesting. So yeah, I would definitely appreciate it. Thank you so much. Absolutely. So Dr. Hudson, how has real estate investing impacted your life so far?
Erin Hudson (31:20):
Well, I wish I could sleep a little bit more. Like I said, I get so excited about it. I have a hard time sleeping at night. I’m always trying to figure out how we can put the next deal together and how we can get more strategic, but also how we can give a hand up to other individuals that are in this space. Listen, just as I failed for a year and a half, you guys, I felt like frustrated. I felt like I kept hitting a wall and I was like, this is not what the multi-family space is supposed to be like. So I am really on a mission to, and our company, our whole team at Quatro capital is on a mission to help others succeed in this space and really to do it in a quicker fashion than I did and not really find themselves in the pitfalls.
Erin Hudson (32:00):
Right. And in the valleys. But really this is an incredible space. And if you link arms with the right people, those that want to see you succeed and give you a hand up, you are going to absolutely love it. And you’re going to crush it much quicker than I did. So I’m just on a mission to help other people truly. And when your heart is for other people, you help other people get what they want, you’ll get what you want. And I think that for me is my mantra, the sky is the limit. And I want to help other people to foresee for themselves that they can have whatever they so desire truly. So if you want to talk about it, let’s connect for sure. For sure.
Aileen (32:35):
You mentioned this earlier. And so one of the questions that we ask our guests is what is one thing that you know, now about real estate that, you wish you knew when you first started? So I’d like to ask you the same question.
Erin Hudson (32:47):
I love it. Okay. So here’s the deal. If you could just pass altogether in the single family space, pass everybody else, maybe others would say now I think that it is part of my journey and that is obviously what has gotten me to where I am today. And I’m super grateful. So I don’t mean to sound negative about it, but there are bigger fish to fry you guys. And if you just find a mentor, somebody that is already doing it and bring value to that team, find out how you can help and see if they’ll take you under their wing. That is what I recommend right out of the Gates. It’s simply because in the single family space, even with our rentals, one month is great. The next one, Oh my gosh, we got to paint the whole entire house. We got to put a new carpet. Okay. Then rent is good. And guess what? By the time you put in the expense money for the carpet, the reset, it ends up eating away on your returns or it can dependent on your property for mine. That’s a lot of times what happened, but guess what they appreciated. So we’ll say that it’s a win, but if you can do it, find somebody great to work with, I’m telling you, you will never look back.
Aileen (33:53):
Thank you. And so what is one thing that sets the successful people apart in real estate?
Erin Hudson (33:58):
Oh, that’s such a good question. Here’s the deal. Everybody does ask that question. It’s funny. I am really obsessed about waking up early at 5:15 AM. For those of you viewers that have heard of the miracle morning, I shifted a little bit, but for the most part, I’m up at five 15. The first thing I do is I get my journal out and I write the five bank falls that I am for whatever it is that I’m thankful for. It could be a great sleep. It could be a, for a great deal that I closed yesterday. It could be for raising funds or whatever it may be. It could be for my family. Right. And then the next thing I do, this is different than most people is. I write down five things that I’m grateful for about my spouse, simply because we get so busy with the day-to-day and the monotony of everything.
Erin Hudson (34:45):
Right. I want him to know that he is of importance and guess what? Sometimes my husband will come in and he’ll peek at my book because he wants to feel good too. And so I write down those things about him. And then I exercise. I write down my list of what needs to get done that day. And if I follow that every morning, I feel like I have so successful for that day. I feel like I have a regimen or routine. And at the same token, remember what I said about the kids. They are watching everything you were doing. And so I want to be that example that not just toxic, but walks it out. And so for me, my kids know that their, their mom has kicked.
Aileen (35:25):
Absolutely. So Dr. Hudson, what tools or techniques have you used to improve the efficiency of your business or your personal life?
Erin Hudson (35:33):
So partners, partners, partners, for sure. Linking up with the people that can lighten your load with a happy heart, for sure. And that’s one thing that you don’t want to be working with people that are, Oh, I did this and you owe me that. And so on and so forth. And the beauty about working with Quatro capital, we hope sometimes we blow it, right, but there’s no pointing fingers. It’s like, man, Aaron, how can I help you today? Or vice versa. The other thing that you want to do is when you’re working with a group, it’s all, it’s super important to Edify and appreciate one another. And I kid you not probably at least four out of the five working days, we are literally sending either a podcast, a self-empowerment or just a quote for the day, or man y’all are terrific. I love working with you. We stay in constant communication. We want to make sure that we all are just loving on each other, encouraging one another, but all at the same token, working really, really hard together. So as far as setting us apart, we definitely are a different breed for sure, but a good one.
Aileen (36:33):
So I really love your energy, Dr. Hudson and everything that you’ve taught today and all the, all the great advice that you have. So I’m sure our listeners feel the same way. And if they wanted to find out more about you, where can they go?
Erin Hudson (36:45):
Sure. I recommend you go to I would love for you to go check us out, because guess what? When you get there on each of the pages with my partners, you can click on a video and you’ll get a one-minute little synopsis and get to fill the vibe and the energy that each one exudes, but watch out, you may become addicted because they are pretty stinking. Cool. Don’t try and steal them. They’re mine, but definitely check us out, read our bios. And we’d love to help you in any way, whether it’s just for mentorship and questions, we’re here to help one another. And we’re always looking for great partners to work with that are ready to find properties and being able to link arms possibly in the near future.
Aileen (37:27):
Thank you so much, Dr. Hudson. It was so great to have you on today.
Erin Hudson (37:30):
You’re so welcome. Have a great one. Take care dear.