SA087 | Passive Income Through Real Estate Syndication Investing With Savannah Arroyo

Savannah Arroyo
Thinking of investing in Real Estate but don’t have enough capital for a commercial or rental property? Real estate syndication might be the best option for you. It may be not an easy investment to start with as there were a lot of things to learn and consider but as you get knowledgeable and get educated on how this type of property investment works, you’ll achieve the cash flow and passive income that you’re aiming.
Tune in to this episode to learn more from Aileen’s guest Savannah Arroyo as shares her knowledge and tips on how to start investing in Real Estate Syndication. She’ll also guide you through how to raise capital, and proper ways of working with an Investor, Broker, Property Manager, or all people involved in a project.
What You’ll Learn From This Episode:
- Savannah’s Background and What Made Her Interested in Getting into Real Estate
- Why it’s Important to Have a Constant Communication and Trust when Building a Relationship with a Broker
- Understanding What Syndication Is, Providing Educational Resources and Information to Investors
- Listening to Podcast to Be Educated with Real Estate
- Why Georgia is a Good Location for Real Estate Investing
- Importance of Working with a Good Broker and Property Manager when Doing Due Diligence
- Right Ways to Handle Investors During Capital Raising for a Syndication Project
- Questions that Investor Should Ask Before Investing for a Syndication Deal
- Passion and Taking Action to Successful Investing
- Media Platforms as a Great Tool for an Efficient Real Estate Investing
Guest Bio:
Savannah Arroyo is a full-time Registered Nurse in Los Angeles, California. She is also a real estate investor and creator of the Networth Nurse.
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- Website: The Networth Nurse
- YouTube: The Networth Nurse YouTube
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- Instagram: @thenetworthnurse