SA089 | Mission to Free People from Financial Shackles With Damion Lupo

Damion Lupo
Financial challenges happen to a lot of people but realizing that there’s always a way out really helps in breaking the stress caused by these problems. Identifying what’s causing the problem, staying positive, and finding the best solution will set you free from any financial difficulties. In this episode, Damion Lupo shares his journey to Real Estate investing and how he achieved his financial independence after the biggest challenges that he faced. As you tune in you’ll also learn how to overcome your financial stress and some of the things that you should do to succeed in life.
What You’ll Learn From This Episode:
- How Damion Started in Real Estate and His Mission to Provide Financial Freedom to 1 Million People
- First Rental House that Damion Charged on his VISA
- Possible Impact of Self-Sabotaging Your Success to Your Real Estate Career
- How He Made Himself Financially Free in 30 Days After Bankruptcy
- His Biggest Challenges and Lessons Learned in Scaling His Business to 150 Rental Houses
- How He Recreate His Wealth in Less Than 5 Years
- Negative Effects of Social Media to People
- Importance of Connection in Society
- What is eQRP and its Essence, its Mechanics, and How it Works?
- Why Psychology is the Greatest Factor in Somebody’s Success?
- Significance of Having Mission and Spreading Your Mission to People
- Being a Rational Investor
- Being Persistent and Resilient to be Successful in Real Estate
Guest Bio:
Damion Lupo has been a professional investor for more than 20 years starting with the purchase of his first rental house he charged on his VISA. That move snowballed into 150 rental houses in less than 5 years. In 2008 he lost the whole $20 million business only to bounce back and recreate his wealth in less than 5 years.
Best-Selling Author of a dozen books on personal finance, investment and retirement strategies, Damion is on a mission to free 1 million people from financial bondage. He hosts the Financial Underdogs podcast, ripping conventional wisdom apart for the Main Street investor looking for truth about money and investing. Not only has he started 50+ companies, he even founded his own martial art, Yokido®. Damion developed the ultimate investor retirement tool called the eQRP®. His strategy gives individuals total control of their retirement money to invest in real assets like real estate, gold, and crypto.
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