SA108 | Achieving 21st Century Diversification Through Real Estate & Retirement Dollars with Dan Kryzanowski

Dan Kryzanowski
To have a comfortable retirement, you have to consider investing in an asset that potentially provides financial stability. Achieving your financial independence is never an easy thing., but it’s always possible by adequately planning everything. Most importantly, knowing your options on how to grow your wealth, proper education, and working with the right people are great factors towards your success. In today’s episode, Aileen’s guest Dan Kryzanowski shares his achievement in real estate and asset investing. As you listen to this episode, you’ll learn more about his mission in helping investors with cash flow investments.
What You’ll Learn From This Episode:
- Dan’s Background and His Career in Real Estate and Self-Directed Investing
- Reasons why 60/40 Portfolio for Stocks and Bonds had Changed and How can an Investor Achieve “21st Century Diversification”
- Benefits from Real Estate (Industrial and Self-Storage) Vs the Traditional Stocks and Bonds
- Process in Rolling Over Funds from 401(k) into a Self-Directed IRA
- Things that You Should Not be Doing in a Self-Directed IRA
- Dan’s Three Most Recent Investments and its Difference In Terms of Asset Class, Funding Source, Etc.
- Impacts and Benefits of Real Estate Investing
- Importance of Understanding the Tax Side and Benefits Real Estate Investing
- Using Notes and CRMs for the Efficiency of Your Business and Personal Life
Guest Bio:
Dan Kryzanowski is an active real estate advisor, investor, and partner. Dan has raised millions of dollars across multiple channels, including accredited investors, family offices, and investment advisors, while empowering his partners to raise seven-figures on multiple occasions. He specializes in niche segments, such as industrial and self-storage, complimented with a deep knowledge of tax-advantaged investing.
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