SA119 | Diversifying Portfolio to Build Wealth Passively with Alina Trigub

Alina Trigub
When you’re planning to invest in real estate as a passive investor, it is important to evaluate a syndication deal carefully. It is always a good thing to have a deep understanding of how it operates as a business. Getting involved in a syndication deal is not easy, but passive income is always possible as long as you have the knowledge to deal with this kind of real estate market. In today’s episode, Alina Trigub shares her story and educates us to evaluate a syndication deal the right way. She also highlights in this episode the things that new passive investors should be looking for in a syndication project.
What You’ll Learn From This Episode:
- Alina’s Background and How She Get Involved in Real Estate Investing Business
- Things that Most People Still Don’t Know About Real Estate
- Importance of Educating Yourself First on How Syndication Works and Operates as a Business
- Steps, Things to Look for, and Questions You Should be Asking to Operator When Reviewing a Syndication Deal
- Quantitative vs Qualitative
- Understanding the Risks Involved in a Particular Project
- Mistakes that People Make When Looking to Invest in Apartment
- What is IRR and Why it’s Important to Consider When Investing Passively
- Emerging Real Estate Markets and Multi-Family Millions by David Lindahl as Best Books to Read for New Passive Investors
- Asking Operating Memorandum and Past Projects from Sponsors to Evaluate the Deal
- Making an Impact to Community by Real Estate Investing
- Shifting Your Mindset and Embrace Changes to be More Efficient in Business and Personal Life
Guest Bio:
Alina Trigub is the founder and Managing Partner of SAMO Financial, a boutique private equity firm specializing in helping business owners and IT professionals passively invest in commercial real estate. She is also the founder of two Meetup groups named, “The Power of Passive Investing through Real Estate” in New York and New Jersey. Alina invests primarily in the Southeast and has helped her clients to acquire and invest in over 2200 apartment doors, over $45M Fund focused on self-storage, and over $10M fund focused on mobile home parks.
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