SA186 | Increasing Financial Returns From International Investing with Alicia Jarrett

Alicia Jarrett
Getting results from international investing can be difficult for most investors to achieve. That’s why in this episode, Alicia Jarrett joins us to share how she helps real estate professionals in expanding their investing business globally.
Key Takeaways To Listen For
- Asking tough questions to build the right team
- Importance of research in targeting an area to invest
- Risks of international investing
- Putting learning into action
- Focusing on deal flows that are working
- Achieving good customer experience
- Expanding land and home business through technology
- Benefits of using technology in real estate
Resources Mentioned In This Episode
About Alicia Jarrett
Alicia is a passionate and driven global real estate investor based out of Australia and conducting deals in the USA. She has multiple businesses with her partner Matthew, including Global Citizens Holding Inc (an investor business), Landscouts (Land wholesaling and investing), and Supercharged Offers (Acquisition marketing services for all real estate investors!). Focused on investing in land and providing business efficient real estate marketing solutions and world-class data solutions, which assists other real estate people to digitally transform their business for increased results.
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Connect with Alicia:
- Website: Super Charged Offers / LandScouts
- Email:
- Contact No.: 888 – 538 – 5478