SA284 | Commercial and Apartment REI: Loans, Income, and Strategies with Terry Painter

Terry Painter

Many people have been encouraged to explore investing in RE, but only a few have recognized the fundamental purpose of the business. Get tons of knowledge as Terry Painter shares the different commercial REI strategies, syndication transactions, loans, and returns that will allow you to bring your REI business to the next level.

Key Takeaways To Listen For

  • Importance of learning how to evaluate properties and borrowers
  • 3 important things to consider when investing in real estate
  • How to determine if an investment property is a good buy
  • 5 sources of income in commercial real estate
  • How the ‘equity multiple’ works in commercial real estate
  • Differences between priority and procrastination task

Resources Mentioned In This Episode

About Terry Painter

Terry Painter is the author of “The Encyclopedia of Commercial Real Estate Advice“.  He is the founder of Apartment Loan Store and Business Loan Store – commercial mortgage banking and advisory firms that have closed over four billion dollars in commercial loans since 1997.  He personally closed hundreds of commercial real estate loans, representing just about every type of commercial property, so we are extremely honored to have him join us today to share his knowledge. 

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