SA285 | Creative Ways to Raise Capital Without Rejection with Dave Dubeau

Dave Dubeau
Starting in real estate may be challenging for anyone, especially if you receive a rejection from prospective investors, but is there a way to avoid rejection when making your first deal? Find out in this episode as Dave Dubeau shares his techniques on how to reach out to potential investors and minimize rejection when raising capital.
Key Takeaways To Listen For
- The negative impact of an ineffective business strategy
- 3 steps to starting a marketing plan and raising capital
- 2 major mistakes that first-time real estate capital raisers should avoid
- Reestablishing your contact list on a more personal level
- How to grow your real estate marketing list
- The key values to become successful in the real estate business
Resources Mentioned In This Episode
Money Partner Formula
About Dave Dubeau
Dave has been an entrepreneur since 1993 and a real estate investor since 2001. In that time he has done deals ranging from creative no-money-down transactions, rent-to-owns, and more recently multi-families properties. He’s the author of seven books and has been teaching, and training people about marketing and real estate investing since 2006. He’s also shared the stage with the likes of Robert Kiyosaki of Rich Dad, Poor Dad fame, Robert Herjaverk from Shark Tank, George Foreman, and many others.
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Connect with Dave:
- Website: Money Partner Formula
- LinkedIn: Dave Dubeau
- Facebook: The Joy of Finding Investors and Raising Capital
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