SA432 | The Significant Impact of Real Estate Investing on Book Writing and Publishing with Julie Broad

Julie Broad
Today, we got another amazing episode where we invited Julie Broad, and she talked about her passion for writing a book – one of the most significant factors in gaining knowledge. She’ll guide us through the process of writing, launching, and publishing. Hit the play button, learn its correlation with real estate investing, and get tons of value in this episode!
Key Takeaways To Listen For
- The value of a newsletter in getting motivations to write a book
- Benefits of writing a book in sharing knowledge with investors
- Book writing: Launching, marketing, branding, and content creation
- Best platforms where you can sell your book
- The biggest mistakes new authors should avoid in writing a book
- Other real estate opportunities and benefits you can unlock by writing a book
Resources Mentioned In This Episode
- Amazon
- Backstage Guide to Real Estate Investing by Matt Picheny (Paperback)
- BookBub
- Rakuten Kobo
- Apple Books
- Business Book Guide: How to Write a Business Book by Julie Broad
- Free Apartment Syndication Due Diligence Checklist for Passive Investor
About Julie Broad
Julie Broad, founder of self-publishing services firm Book Launchers and Amazon Overall #1 Best Selling Author, knows what it takes to successfully self-publish a book. Julie’s titles include More than Cashflow, which topped Amazon, The New Brand You, and her latest book, Self-Publish & Succeed. An expert on writing a book with marketing in mind, Julie has been featured in 100’s media including Forbes,, Yahoo! Business, CTV, the Vancouver Sun, and
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