SA573 | Deal Financing Through Credit Unions with Mark Ritter

Mark Ritter

Learn about credit unions and the funding systems they offer businesses in today’s episode with Mark Ritter. Don’t miss our discussion about what relationship-reliant credit unions are and why they are a great financing alternative for your real estate projects. So stay tuned!

Key Takeaways to Listen for

  • Credit unions: Benefits, structures, and loans available
  • Forces that are reshaping the lending market
  • How credit unions increase their borrowing base
  • Common mistakes people make when applying for a loan and how to prevent them
  • The value of existing properties vs. brand-new constructions

Resources Mentioned in This Episode
Free Apartment Syndication Due Diligence Checklist for Passive Investor 

About Mark Ritter

Mark Ritter is an expert in all things credit union and small business lending. He is the CEO of MBFS and Nu Direction Lending, organizations owned by credit unions and designed to help credit unions fund more loans to real estate investors and small business owners in their communities.  

In 2002, Mark started Members 1st Federal Credit Union’s business lending program as “one person and a desk” with no policies, products, staff, systems, or business members. After ten years as Member 1st, he took on the challenge of being the CEO of a business lending credit union service organization (CUSO). In the past eight years at MBFS, Mark increased the number of credit unions the company services by over 8x, increased the revenue by 15x, and ensured positive cash flow every full year he has been at the CUSO. More importantly, MBFS has helped countless credit union members gain the financing they need for small business and real estate investment needs.  

Mark is a native of Berwick, PA in northeast Pennsylvania, where he was a member of his high school’s nationally ranked and state championship football team. After high school, Mark hung up his cleats to work for the Penn State Nittany Lions full-time as a student assistant while attending Penn State as an undergraduate. 

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