SA606 | Transform Vacant Lots Into Income-Generating Properties with Ray Zhang

Ray Zhang
Today’s episode will feature the advantages of buying and selling infill lots and how you can do it remotely. Listen to Ray Zhang as he shares how he got into land flipping, why he decided to invest in it, plus strategies to distinguish highly-valuable land deals. Tune in to add this risk-mitigated niche to your investment portfolio!
Key Takeaways to Listen for
- Investing distractions and why you shouldn’t let them bother you
- What you need to know to start your land flipping business
- Metrics to look for in a market before purchasing an empty lot
- 2 steps to determine good land deals
- How much time does it take to sell and get a property under contract
Resources Mentioned in This Episode
About Ray Zhang
Ray came to the country about 11 years ago and immediately became homeless. After about 3 months, he found a place to live, and he started flipping cars for a living. He made an excellent living for about 6 years and, during those 6 years, tried different kinds of real estate, but nothing seemed to work. Then he found land investment about 4 years ago, and everything changed. Today, his net profit is about $900k, and he is now a land coach teaching people about how to make profits as well.
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Instagram: @virtualflipland