SA664 | Mindful Syndication Metrics and Mastery with Noah Avery

Noah Avery
Join today’s conversation with Noah Avery as we tackle how he plans to achieve financial freedom at a young age through passive investing. Keep tuning in to uncover his income-saving strategies and business metrics so you can maximize your money’s value. All this and more await you when you watch the whole episode!
Key Takeaways to Listen for
- Real estate metrics to consider when looking for a market to invest in
- Why deal-finding criteria should depend on local market conditions
- A suggested formula to calculate how much money you should save or invest
- Effective ways to form investor relationships and build your network
- The value of knowledge in shaping your deal-handling confidence
Resources Mentioned in This Episode
- Brad Sumrock
- Money Master The Game by Tony Robbins | Kindle, Paperback, and Hardcover
- Ray Dalio All Weather Portfolio
- The Daily Laws by Robert Greene | Kindle, Paperback, and Hardcover
- Old Capital Podcast
About Noah Avery
Noah saved close to 50% of his gross income through real estate sales for over half a decade. That surplus was invested in limited partner real estate deals. He learned many lessons about being a giver in business from his father. In addition, he found a love of books during his sophomore year of college while attending Lewis and Clark College in Portland, Oregon. He learned that with every new book came new knowledge that chipped away at that next level in life. Since 2019, Noah has invested in 9 limited partner deals. While waiting to stabilize a few of these assets, the passive income will cover his living expenses at a young age.
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