SA973 | Make Passive Investing in Commercial Real Estate Your Primary Goal with Chad King

Chad King
Today, Chad King joins us to discuss his success in flipping and wholesaling before transitioning into multifamily investing, how he made it possible to go from active to passive, and the strategies that make him continuously win deals in today’s market.
Whether you’re an active or a passive investor, tune in to this episode to learn more!
Key Points & Relevant Topics
- Why did Chad start his real estate investing journey as a flipper?
- Chad’s strategies for building his deal flow in flipping and wholesaling
- The point where Chad decided to shift from active flipping and wholesaling to passive multifamily investing
- The multifamily space in 2024 and the effect of politics on real estate
- Secrets to winning deals and Chad’s insights on alternative investments
- Why it’s important to be conservative in rent projections and underwriting
- The power of passive income in living a life of freedom
Resources & Links
Apartment Syndication Due Diligence Checklist for Passive Investor
About Chad King
From the onset, Chad was interested in understanding wealth/money. This quest to understand money led Chad to get finance and accounting degrees from Florida State University. Sadly, college didn’t teach the individual how to acquire wealth for themselves, only how to work for others.
After college, Chad took a job at Xerox selling copiers door to door, understanding that salespeople could control their own income. He mastered the game, becoming the number one producer in new business at Xerox in just his second year.
Chad was simultaneously studying successful individuals who had achieved tremendous wealth and prosperity. He noticed a common theme amongst them—real estate. With an amazing woman by his side, Chad jumped into real estate full-time, and Titan Capital was born.
Starting out in the wholesale/fix&flip space Chad has completed over 400 flips in his career. Apartments were always the end goal and Chad was able to take his active income from flipping and began acquiring commercial real estate.
Titan Capital Group is all about creating and preserving wealth. As well as taking care of our tenants, properties, and investors. We seek direct investment opportunities in appreciating, cash-flowing multifamily real estate. Titan Capital purchase value-add assets below replacement cost, allowing us to create equity upside. We then employ operational and management strategies to create stable, maximized returns over the life of the project and upon disposition.
Chad has purchased 24 commercial real estate properties, completed 14 syndications, and has taken 10 projects full cycle. With an average IRR of 28% to investors. We are fortunate to have selected good properties with sound debt options and has never had to complete a capital call on any projects.Titan Capital currently operates $122,000,000 in multifamily real estate with majority being in Middle Tennessee. When he’s relaxing, you can catch Chad on the golf course or hanging out with his incredible family.
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- Website:
- Instagram: @mrchadking
- Facebook: Chad King