SA461 | Performing 1031 Exchanges to Diversify Your Real Estate Portfolio with John Todderud

John Todderud
In today’s episode, John Todderud explains how to perform a 1031 exchange and what to watch out for, such as Realtors adding additional requirements that slow down the process. Keep listening to uncover more intriguing information that will propel your real estate business to new heights!
Key Takeaways To Listen For
- How real estate syndication builds a well-diverse portfolio
- Benefits of hiring a professional property manager for your property
- 1031 Exchange Rules: Definition, process, and tax benefits
- Things to consider when replacing and relinquishing property through the 1031 exchange
- Biggest challenges of 1031 exchange
- Why should you start investing in multifamily properties?
Resources Mentioned In This Episode
Free Apartment Syndication Due Diligence Checklist for Passive Investor
About John Todderud
John Todderud owned and managed investment homes since 1984 and multifamily since 2010. He Restored older single-family homes – rewiring, drywall, heating systems, foundation, re-pipe and performed nearly all work myself while working full-time as an engineer.
Within multifamily, he’s acquired over 200 units, from 3 to 96-unit buildings. Self-managed smaller properties and asset-managed larger properties with professional management.
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